Nancy Breslin is a Washington, DC based photographer who specializes in photographs taken with pinhole and plastic cameras. For some projects she works with alternative photographic processes, video, and her cell phone.
Washington City Paper named one of her gum bichromate prints as among the most memorable images of 2010 and interviewed her about making pinhole cameras in 2015. Mark Jenkins of the Washington Post has said of her pinhole work: "In her pictures, even the present are absent." Recent interviews about her pinhole camera work can be seen at GW Today (2015) and at The SandPaper (2018).
Her popular video, "A Five Minute Introduction to Pinhole Photography" is on vimeo and YouTube. Her installation of a camera obscura in her apartment is featured in a tiktok video, by her daughter Eliza Caws, which has over 1.9 million views. She is the writer and producer of the short stop motion film Velo Love, which is screening at film festivals.
Within the gallery you will find several portfolios of work from recent years. You can read about her scriptwriting here.